If you've decided to opt for a colocation provider to manage your network and hosting, it's important that you select a provider that's going to meet your needs over the long term. Especially if this is your first time looking into colocation, you may not know all of the things that you should be considering. Here's a look at a few things to think about before you take the plunge.
- If you are interested in any type of online freelancing career, you will need to make a considerable investment in technology for your success. Certain types of technology will give you the most bang for your buck and help you invest your money wisely. Upgrade Your Internet Internet service is the foundation for all technology you purchase. You can spend thousands of dollars on other technology, but if your internet cannot keep up, you will be left in the dust.
- Colocation is the latest "in" thing for data hosting, especially as more enterprises take advantage of cloud-driven web services. In terms of long-term cost and flexibility, colocation offers plenty of upsides seldom matched through managed or cloud hosting. If you've been thinking about climbing aboard the colocation train, then you'll need a data center that offers a good blend of rock-solid reliability, affordability, service and robustness. The following offers a few pointers that will come in handy for finding that ideal colocation facility.